タイ、日本人資産家による代理出産問題 人身売買?






タイ代理出産 日本人父は資産70億円強の御曹司  http://www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/nonsec/social/299480/
「犯罪性は低く、相続・贈与税対策としての新たなスキーム(仕組み)作りの可能性、自分の死後という意味合いより、父親に当たる大企業オーナーの相続対策 に動いていた可能性も」

タイ・バンコクのマンションで乳幼児9人が発見され、日本人の父親(24)が代理出産で産ませたとみられる騒動で、この男性が大企業創業者の御曹司で、 70億円超の資産を有する実業家と判明した。タイ警察当局は人身売買など犯罪の可能性があるとして捜査を進めているが、一方で「犯罪性は低く、相続・贈与 税対策としての新たなスキーム(仕組み)作りの可能性がある」との見方が浮上。庶民とはかけ離れた実態がみえてきた。

 タイの警察当局や メディアによると、父親とみられる日本人男性は香港在住で、見つかった生後1か月~2歳の乳幼児9人のほか、4人の計13人の子供が代理出産で生まれたと して病院に登録されていた。乳幼児9人は市内の高級マンションの3室で育てられ、ベビーシッターが1人ずつ付き、養育費には月20万バーツ(約63万円) がかけられる手厚いものだった。

 セレブなのも当然だった。男性は日本で長者番付上位に入る大企業創業者の御曹司であることが判明した。 自社株だけでも70億円相当の資産を所有する大株主。本紙が8日、この会社に事実関係を問い合わせると「弊社の事業活動と関係ないことですので、コメント は差し控える」との答えが返ってきた。

 男性は香港に数年前から居を構え、過去2年間でタイには65回、入国した記録があった。男性を知 る現地の関係者は「まじめな青年で、見かけはとても大富豪には見えない。日本のオタクの青年のような風貌ですよ。ただ、高校・大学とも香港でしたから、語 学にも、東南アジアの現地事情にも精通している」という。今回の騒動で警察がマンションに踏み込んだ際は、自家用ジェットでマカオに飛んでいた。



  海外を舞台にした大富豪一族の財産相続で思い出されるのは、消費者金融「武富士」の贈与税騒動だ。創業者が所有株を香港に移住した長男に海外法人を経由し て贈与したことが判明すると、国は税逃れとして1500億円の贈与税を追徴課税したが、これに裁判所は税対象外と判決を下し、無税となった。

  資産家の節税対策に詳しい事情通は「武富士の創業者一族が使ったスキームはすでに財務省が法改正し、課税できるようになったのですが、現行法にはまだ抜け 道がたくさんある。富裕層はいかに税金を払わないかに腐心し、海外へ渡って、永住権取得やタックスヘイブンを経由させるなど、あの手この手で納税回避ス キームを探っている」と語る。実際、贈与者が海外に居住し、子や孫の相続人が外国籍や長く海外に在住している日本人の場合は、国内財産のみが課税対象で、 国外財産は免除される。財務省は国外財産も課税できるように法改正を進めているが、国の壁とグレーゾーンが多く、いたちごっこが続いているのが現状だ。

  タイのメディアによれば「男性はすでに少なくとも3人の子供を日本に連れ帰り、資産の一部を譲った」ともいう。またタイから出国した乳幼児2人は、男性と 同じ名字で日本のパスポートを所持していたという。ただ、一般論でみれば、24歳と若い男性が死後を見据えて相続対策をしているというのは不自然だ。




 #ldnews news.  http://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/9132808/

Japanese woman in surrogacy case leaves Thailand

http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/local/425882/two-japanese-now-sought-in-surrogacy-case. View our policies at http://goo.gl/9HgTd and http://goo.gl/ou6Ip. © Post Publishing PCL. All rights reserved.


A Japanese woman believed to be involved with 12 babies born to surrogate mothers in Thailand has left the country, a police source said on Saturday. Another baby born to a Thai surrogate has also...

Please credit and share this article with others using this link:http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/local/425882/two-japanese-now-sought-in-surrogacy-case. View our policies at http://goo.gl/9HgTd and http://goo.gl/ou6Ip. © Post Publishing PCL. All rights reserved.


どれが真実に即した情報なのか? 日本では、相続財産のためという情報もあるが、オーストラリアでは、「複数のパスポートを使い、中国で子どもを既に売り払った」という情報も。 Surrogacy scandal widens with Southeast Asia infant trafficking operation exposed



THE Baby Gammy surrogate scandal in Thailand has exposed a sinister multinational infant trafficking operation.

Bangkok metropolitan police disclosed today that one man, Shigeta Mitsutoki, a 24-year-old Japanese national, had taken three infants out of Bangkok this year to Cambodia.

That brings to 14 the number of small children that Mitsutoki is known to have dealt with this year.

His surrogate “baby farming” operation was exposed this week by neighbours, made suspicious by the uproar over seven-month-old Gammy, a Down’s syndrome boy, allegedly abandoned in Thailand by his Western Australian biological parents, David and Wendy Farnell.

The Farnells, who took home his twin sister, deny the allegation by his birth mother, Pattharamon Janbua.

The scandal has already provoked Thailand’s interim military government to ban commercial surrogacy, a service used in Thailand by at least 800 Australian couples and sole parents over the past five years.

But the main focus of the scandal in Thailand has shifted to highly unsettling disclosures, almost daily since Tuesday, about Mitsutoki’s activities.

He was allowed to flee Thailand early Thursday morning, carrying a small child and apparently bound for Macau, even though two days before police and welfare officials had found nine children aged between a fortnight and a year in a Lat Phrao, northern Bangkok, apartment block.

A pregnant young surrogate was also found at the apartments and she is co-operating with police and immigration officials in providing details of Mitsutoki’s racket.

A senior Immigration official, who cannot be identified, has told The Australian that Thai authorities now believe Mitsutoki was a key figure in an operation that used Thai surrogate mothers to breed children for sale in other Asian markets.

It is not yet confirmed if he was using eggs provided by clients or, as first speculated, Mitsukoshi provided the sperm.

What is now known is that three children he took out of Thailand to Phnom Penh this year travelled on Thai passports carrying his family name.

The baby taken on the Macau flight on Thursday might have travelled on a Japanese passport.

Bangkok police said today they had not yet established why three infants were taken to Cambodia, where law enforcement against people trafficking and other crimes of human exploitation is much looser than in neighbouring Thailand.

However Mitsutoki himself has used a Cambodian passport since last year, which Immigration investigators believe was issued because his father, a wealthy businessman back in Japan, has invested significant sums in that country.

It is illegal under Japanese law for a citizen to use a passport issued by another country. The Australian has also been given the numbers for at least two Japanese passports he used.

Again, it is unlawful in most circumstances for a Japanese to use multiple passports. In one case he claimed a replacement for a “lost” travel document.

The Australian has been given information about Mitsutoki’s travel activities since 2010, which show he operated between Bangkok, Phnom Penh, Macau and Hong Kong and suggests at least some of the children were sold to Chinese citizens.

He also travelled to Vietnam at least twice and once to India, the other Asian commercial surrogacy centre.

The scale of his travelling has caused Thai officials to fear other children were trafficked over the past 3½ years.

Immigration investigations suggest that since apparently first arriving in Thailand in 2010, Mitsutoki came and went through Thai international air terminals more than 80 times.

It is also suspected however he made multiple land crossings of the Thai-Cambodia border.

↓ 先ほどの『ザ・オーストラリアン』という新聞は、日本でいる読売新聞の位置付けのようなので、慎重に読む必要がある。

Probe into Japanese 'dad' eyes baby trafficking intent - The Nation shar.es/1naMiK



POLICE ARE looking into whether the 13 babies purportedly linked to surrogacy services were meant to be trafficked, as evidence suggests a Japanese man fathered at least nine infants via surrogate mothers.

Shigeta Mitsutoki, 24, left Thailand early on Thursday after authorities started investigating. The nine babies he is linked to are now under the care of a state-run centre.

In late March and early July, he arrived in Thailand alone but left with an infant.

The clinic that allegedly provided him the surrogacy services, All IVF, has been closed for operating without a proper licence.

"It's registered as a medical facility but not as one offering fertility treatments," Health Service Support Department director-general Boonrueang Trairueangworarat said yesterday.

He said All IVF was closed because without a proper licence its services could cause serious harm or even deaths to others.

He said doctors involved would face a probe by the Medical Council and could lose their licences.

The owner of the clinic faces a jail term and a fine for his failure to ensure that services provided were in line with proper standards.

Although Thailand does not yet have specific laws to control surrogacy, the Medical Council bans paid surrogacy and requires surrogate mothers be either an in-law or a relative of couples seeking help.

Dr Pisit Tantiwattanakul, whose name was used to open All IVF, could not be reached for comment.

Pol Colonel Naphanwut Liamsa-nguan, who heads the Children and Women Protection Subdivision, said police were gathering evidence to determine whether the nine babies linked to Mitsutoki were born through All IVF and who else was involved.

"We have received some useful evidence even though the clinic has clearly relocated its patients' history files," he said during a search of the Bangkok business.

Police discovered the nine babies reportedly fathered by Mitsutoki at a Bangkok condo on Tuesday after receiving a tip from locals.

Thais have become acutely aware of the darker side of surrogacy in the wake of the huge media coverage over Gammy, a baby boy with Down's syndrome allegedly abandoned by an Australian couple. They reportedly hired a Thai woman to be a surrogate mother but left Thailand only with Gammy's healthy twin sister.

The surrogate mother, Pattaramon Chanbua, yesterday admitted that she had recruited surrogates twice.

"But I don't do that any more," she said.

Pattaramon was recruited by a woman called "Joy", who insisted that she was not a surrogacy agent but was hired as a coordinator for a fertility clinic.

"My employer is an American," Joy said yesterday. She also confirmed Pattaramon's declared love for Gammy.

Joy said Pattaramon refused to undergo an abortion when tests showed Gammy had Down's syndrome. "After childbirth, she has decided to raise Gammy on her own," Joy said.

An informed source said Ohno Yuki, 17, was Mitsutoki's assistant and she left Thailand for Cambodia on the day police raided the condo where the babies were found.

Available records show Mitsutoki also had a Cambodian passport and he used it for travelling in and out of Thailand 14 times. He used two Japanese passports to travel in and out of Thailand 52 times.

An informed source said it was not unusual for Japanese citizens to hold Cambodian passports, which are issued to Japanese investors.

Naphanwut said it appeared Mitsutoki's sole interest in coming to Thailand related to babies.

A Japanese official said the name Shigeta Mitsutoki was common.